
The Cat­e­chism is the col­lect­ed teach­ings of the Catholic Church. Since Jesus Christ Him­self found­ed the Catholic Church, the teach­ings of the Church are in fact the teach­ings of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church has been entrust­ed with the sacred respon­si­bil­i­ty of shar­ing the teach­ings of Jesus through­out the world and  through­out all ages until His return at the end of the world.

Why learn the Cat­e­chism of the Catholic Church?

My peo­ple per­ish for lack of knowl­edge …”~Hosea:4–6

In order to live as faith­ful Chris­tians, we need to know the teach­ings of Jesus Christ. Fur­ther­more, learn­ing the teach­ings of Jesus will enable us to live good lives our­selves and teach oth­ers to live good lives as well.

Ways to learn the Cat­e­chism

Enrolling chil­dren in a good Reli­gious Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram at a Catholic Church (i.e. First Holy Com­mu­nion Class­es, Con­fir­ma­tion Class­es, etc.) is a means for chil­dren to learn the Cat­e­chism.  Adults can enroll in reli­gious edu­ca­tion pro­grams (for adults) in order to learn about Church teach­ings for the first time or to deep­en their knowl­edge. Adults who would like to become Catholic can enroll in RCIA pro­grams (Rite of Chris­t­ian Ini­ti­a­tion for Adults) at their local Catholic Church.

Their are many hard-copy pub­li­ca­tions of the Cat­e­chism such as:

Here is the link to the online copy of the Cat­e­chism in Eng­lish:

Cat­e­chism of the Catholic Church (Eng­lish)

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