Feast Day for the Father of all Mankind: First Sunday of August


The Dai­ly Chap­let
Holy Octave of Con­se­cra­tion To GOD Our Father
(A Chap­let may be used)

1. Prayer on the Medal

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spir­it. Amen.

Dear­est God our Father, I humbly ask that on my jour­ney home to you, Your Holy Angels pro­tect and guide me; that your Blessed Saints in Heav­en inter­cede for me, and that your Suf­fer­ing Souls in Pur­ga­to­ry pray for me, as I pray for them now. Amen.

2. On the three gold beads:
Bead 1: Hail Mary, full of Grace .  . .
Bead 2:
Jesus, my God and my Sav­ior, You loved me so much. You died for me on the Cross, so that I, too, could return to our Father in Heav­en. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Through Your Holy Eucharist, please sus­tain me and be present with me always on my jour­ney home. Amen.

Beads 3:
Holy Spir­it, my God and my Sanc­ti­fi­er, Jesus sent you to me for my jour­ney back home to the Father. Please puri­fy and refine me. Fill me with your Divine Light and Love so that the Pres­ence of God may dwell with me and in me. Amen.

FIRST MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead): The Dis­obe­di­ence and Exile of God Our Father’s  Chil­dren.

Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heav­en .…

Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1:
In Praise I Love Your Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2:
In Thanks­giv­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3:
In Offer­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4:
In Repen­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5:
In my Inher­i­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6:
In Say­ing my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7:
In Fideli­ty I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8:
In Con­se­cra­tion I Love You Father and give myself to You!

SECOND MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead): The Pres­ence of God the Father in The Old Tes­ta­ment era

Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heav­en .…

Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1:
In Praise I Love Your Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2:
In Thanks­giv­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3:
In Offer­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4:
In Repen­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5:
In my Inher­i­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6:
In Say­ing my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7:
In Fideli­ty I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8:
In Con­se­cra­tion I Love You Father and give myself to You!

THIRD MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead): The Fiat of Mary, Our Moth­er.

Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heav­en .…

Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1:
In Praise I Love Your Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2:
In Thanks­giv­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3:
In Offer­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4:
In Repen­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5:
In my Inher­i­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6:
In Say­ing my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7:
In Fideli­ty I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8:
In Con­se­cra­tion I Love You Father and give myself to You!

FOURTH MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead): The “Fiat” of Jesus Our Sav­ior, Son of God, and Sec­ond Per­son of the Holy Trin­i­ty

Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heav­en .…

Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1:
In Praise I Love Your Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2:
In Thanks­giv­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3:
In Offer­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4:
In Repen­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5:
In my Inher­i­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6:
In Say­ing my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7:
In Fideli­ty I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8:
In Con­se­cra­tion I Love You Father and give myself to You!

FIFTH MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead): The Send­ing of the Holy Spir­it, Our Sanc­ti­fi­er — Spir­it of GOD and The Third Per­son of the Holy Trin­i­ty

Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heav­en .…

Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1:
In Praise I Love Your Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2:
In Thanks­giv­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3:
In Offer­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4:
In Repen­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5:
In my Inher­i­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6:
In Say­ing my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7:
In Fideli­ty I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8:
In Con­se­cra­tion I Love You Father and give myself to You!

SIXTH MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead): The Choice of God’s Prodi­gal Chil­dren to Return to Their Father.

Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heav­en .…

Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1:
In Praise I Love Your Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2:
In Thanks­giv­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3:
In Offer­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4:
In Repen­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5:
In my Inher­i­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6:
In Say­ing my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7:
In Fideli­ty I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8:
In Con­se­cra­tion I Love You Father and give myself to You!

SEVENTH MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead): The “Fiat” Of GOD Our Father’s Chil­dren — Indi­vid­u­al­ly and As The Body Of Christ

Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heav­en .…

Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1:
In Praise I Love Your Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2:
In Thanks­giv­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3:
In Offer­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4:
In Repen­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5:
In my Inher­i­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6:
In Say­ing my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7:
In Fideli­ty I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8:
In Con­se­cra­tion I Love You Father and give myself to You!

EIGHT MAJOR OCTAVE (gold bead): The Com­ing of the New Jerusalem

Our Father Prayer: Our Father, who art in heav­en .…

Minor Octave (on the eight red beads):
Bead 1:
In Praise I Love Your Father and give myself to You!
Bead 2:
In Thanks­giv­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 3:
In Offer­ing I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 4:
In Repen­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 5:
In my Inher­i­tance I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 6:
In Say­ing my “Fiat” I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 7:
In Fideli­ty I Love You Father and give myself to You!
Bead 8:
In Con­se­cra­tion I Love You Father and give myself to You!

Final Prayer: Dear­est God Our Father, I love You; I adore You; I wor­ship You! Amen.
End with the Sign of the Cross

Learn More About “The Father of All Mankind — Con­se­cra­tion and Feast Day” vis­it:

Moth­er Euge­nia

Prayer to God the Almighty Father

Father Con­se­cra­tion Chap­let

Octave of GOD The Father of Mankind


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