Luke 12:8–9

Dove with Olives

 8“I tell you, who­ev­er pub­licly acknowl­edges me before oth­ers, the Son of Man will also acknowl­edge before the angels of God. 9 But who­ev­er dis­owns me before oth­ers will be dis­owned before the angels of God.” Luke 12:8–9

Many peo­ple do not talk about GOD or share their faith in pub­lic because they are afraid of what oth­ers, espe­cial­ly, their friends will think of them. A lot of peo­ple do not talk about GOD because they do not want to “offend” oth­ers. Those who do talk about GOD or share their faith in pub­lic are made to feel awk­ward, as if they just land­ed from plan­et Mars.

When the next oppor­tu­ni­ty aris­es, cease the moment and shine for GOD. Jesus said, those who acknowl­edge HIM pub­licly, HE will pub­licly acknowl­edge before his angels. And, those who are pub­licly ashamed of HIM, HE will be ashamed of them before the angels of GOD.

Love, Peace and Joy!

Say the Rosary Daily
Our Lady of Fatima



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