Philippians 4:4–7


Dove with Olives

4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
5 Let your gen­tle­ness be evi­dent to all. The Lord is near.
6 Do not be anx­ious about any­thing, but in every sit­u­a­tion, by prayer and peti­tion, with thanks­giv­ing, present your requests to God.
7 And the peace of God, which tran­scends all under­stand­ing, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philip­pi­ans 4:4–7



Novem­ber 2012 — Feast Days

3 — St. Mar­tin de Por­res (1579–1639), Reli­gious
4 — St. Charles Bor­romeo (1538–1584), Arch­bish­op of Milan
10- St. Leo the Great (461), Pope, Doc­tor of the Church
11- St. Mar­tin of Tours (316–397), Bish­op of Tours

13 — St. Frances Xavier Cabri­ni (1850–1917), Vir­gin, Foundress of the
        Mis­sion­ary Sis­ters of the Sacred Heart
14 — St. Lawrence O’Toole (1128–1180), Arch­bish­op of Dublin
15 — St. Albert the Great (1206 — 1280), Bish­op of Regens­burg, Doc­tor of the Church
16 — St. Mar­garet of Scot­land (1092), Queen
        St. Gertrude the Great (1256–1302), Vir­gin, Reli­gious

17 — St. Eliz­a­beth of Hun­gary (1207–1231), Queen, Reli­gious
18 — Ded­i­ca­tion of the Basil­i­cas of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome
21 — The Pre­sen­ta­tion of the Blessed Vir­gin Mary
22 — St. Cecil­ia (c.230), Vir­gin, Mar­tyr, Patroness of Musi­cians

23 — St. Colum­ban (615), Abbot
25 — Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
28 — St. Cather­ine Laboure (1806–1876), Reli­gious
30 — St. Andrew (1st Cen­tu­ry), Apos­tle, Patron of Scot­land

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