This is the day the Lord has made!

God's Sunrise “This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.” ~ Psalm 118:24

It is impor­tant to remem­ber that today is so pre­cious. Each day is pre­cious! We can rejoice because God Him­self makes each day and He caus­es the sun to rise and gives the breath of life to the crea­tures of the earth. When we wake up each morn­ing, it is a fresh new day in which we can rejoice, give thanks to God, and serve God in every­thing we do.

Fur­ther­more, each day is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to turn to God and amend our lives. We must strive to live a life of good works, but we must also strive anew each day to turn away from sin and so grow in holi­ness. (Fre­quent Con­fes­sion is essen­tial to amend­ment of one’s life.)

Today, if you hear His voice, do not hard­en your hearts …” ~Psalm 95:8

Encour­age one anoth­er dai­ly, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hard­ened by sin’s deceit­ful­ness.” ~Hebrews 4:13

… I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, today is the day of sal­va­tion.”~2 Corinthi­ans 6:2

When a man of short stature named Zac­cha­eus heard Jesus was pass­ing by, he decid­ed to climb a tree in the hope that he might at least see Jesus. Being a tax col­lec­tor, he was not liv­ing a good life, but he had a strong desire to turn to God and change his ways. When Jesus saw him in the tree, He told him to come down and that He would eat at his house. Zac­cha­eus then decid­ed to give his pos­ses­sions to the poor and to pay back even four times the amount he had stolen as a tax col­lec­tor. Then Jesus said, “Today sal­va­tion has come to this house . …”(Luke 19:9)

Like Zac­cha­eus, may we turn from sin, grow clos­er to God, and serve Him with all our heart and soul!

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