Tag Archives: advento

An Advent Prayer (Advent 2015)

  Sweet Infant Jesus, I bring to you this day, and all the days of Advent, my heart, my love, my very life, togeth­er with those lit­tle acts of self denial and sac­ri­fice, made in your hon­or, and of which … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Advent 2015: A Season of Hope and Conversion

Tomor­row is the Sec­ond Sun­day of Advent. The Sec­ond Sun­day of Advent starts off the sec­ond week of Advent. The advent sea­son con­sists of four weeks dur­ing which we pre­pare our­selves in a spe­cial way for the com­ing of Jesus.  The … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Advent 2014: A Season of Hope and Conversion

Today begins the sec­ond of the four weeks of the sea­son of Advent, in which we pre­pare our­selves in a spe­cial way for the com­ing of Jesus.  The word Advent means ‘com­ing.’ First­ly, we pre­pare our­selves to cel­e­brate Christ­mas, the his­tor­i­cal birth of … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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An Advent Prayer

  Sweet Infant Jesus, I bring to you this day, and all the days of Advent, my heart, my love, my very life, togeth­er with those lit­tle acts of self denial and sac­ri­fice, made in your hon­or, and of which … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Advent 2013: A Season of Hope!

Tomor­row will begin the third of the four weeks of the sea­son of Advent, in which we pre­pare our­selves in a spe­cial way for the com­ing of Jesus.  The word Advent means ‘com­ing.’ First­ly, we pre­pare our­selves to cel­e­brate Christ­mas, the his­tor­i­cal … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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